المركز الاستشاري الاستثماري | الاستثمارات


  • Raw CBD materials from cannabis andCannabis are some of fastest growing products globally. This new industry is witnessing a massive growing demand around the world due to their high usage for production purposes.
  • CBD

  • CBD Oil in Turkey is a project of an existing farm dedicated to the production of Raw CBD material from cannabis, for Industrial products. By leveraging a well thought out business plan executed by a skilled management team
  • After earning high government support including VAT Exemption, Customs Duty Exemption, Tax Deduction, SSP Support (Employer’s Share), Income Tax Withholding Support, Interest Rate Support and Land Allocation. Additionally, Turkish Government will support our project in local and international markets. Therefore, a signicant part of our products can be consumed locally while we exapand to other countries.
  • Global market is expected to reach 5.7 billion USD in 2020. In 2018, there was a market volume of USD 3.7 billion. Currently, the Chinese market dominates, but the US can catch up with China in a short time.Industrial hemp contains trace amounts of THC chemicals, making it impossible to use drugs
  • The homeland of the hemp plant is Central Asia. CBD oil which is the main market value in industrial hemp and which will become increasingly popular. This substance is produced from cannabis flowers.
  • It helps with the treatment of epilepsy patients. In both the United States and the UK, this substance-based epilepsy is on the shelves of pharmacys.CBD is now used in beverages, cosmetic products and confectionery are becoming more widespread.
  • products including cannabis leaf

  • In America, many people produce hemp for CBD oil.In 2018, 30,000 hectares of cannabis cultivation was made in the US, which is increasing rapidly
  • It is stated that the industrial cannabis produced in 36 countries in the world and the size of the global market has reached 4 billion dollars in 2017.
  • According to the Grand View Research report, the size of the market is expected to rise to $ 11 billion in 2025. Major cannabis producers are also announced in the US, Canada, China, India, Japan, Brazil, Germany, France and the United Kingdom. Our company has a unique position to reach one of the twelve licenses available in Germany, which is responsible for supplying the federal pharmacy network with pharmaceutical grade marijuana. This license is the gateway to the European Union as a distribution channel. Only 2% market share is a great opportunity.
  • Turkey will increase in cannabis production is hardly to be called after the statement made this year. Production capacity will be increased by contracted agriculture as well as farmers
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